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Active Projects

Skarabee Skarabee 2012-… C/C++/Python
OverSwarm OverSwarm toolkit 2010- C++/Java
pdf2sne PDF-to-SuperNote conversion 2012- Python

Past/Dead/Inactive Projects

AutoCAMS AutoCAMS+ (Improvements to the AutoCAMS platform) 2008-2011 Java
gmfill gmfill - GnuMeric FILLER (simplifies gnumeric workbook and graph creation) 2011 Python
Blatant BlatAnt Algorithm (bio-inspired P2P overlay topology optimization) 2008-2010 Java
Freezer Freezer (Deezer tray icon) 2008 Java
WikiShell WikiShell, a Wikipedia shell 2007 Python
GSuperMacro (Java-like 'super' for GObject) GSuperMacro (Java-like 'super' for GObject) 2007 C
FlexibleRules FlexibleRules 2006-2010 Java
DPD Dummy Plagiarism Detector 2006 Python
Solenopsis Solenopsis (Ant algorithms platform) 2006-2010 Java/Lisp
RoXanne RoXanne Framework (XML database-like application with security extensions) (Msc) 2004-2005 Java
A.VRI.L speAker VeRIfication Lab (Bsc) 2003 C++
Woodstock Logo Woodstock Logo (Info IA) 2000-2001 Scheme

Other stuff


Amos Brocco
Information Systems and Software Engineering Lab
Department of Innovative Technologies
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
Galleria 2
CH-6928 Manno

E-Mail: amos _dot_ brocco _at_ gmail _dot_ com (replace _dot_ with . and _at_ with @)

projects.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/27 12:21 by
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